
Logseq cusgit theme

∙ Designing a clean theme for Logseq, which focuses on bullet journal and long time writing experience.
∙ Sometimes it fixes some UI bugs for Logseq.
∙ Top 10 most popular theme in Logseq.
Website | Code

FRC Team 6940 Swerve Chassis Whitepaper

∙ Document the whitepaper using readthedocs to help other teams quickly get started and mastered Swerve Drive Technique in FRC.
∙ Fully automative translation workflow using Transifex.
∙ Practice Gracious Professionalism in FRC.
Website | Code

FRC Team 6940 Robot Code for 2022 RapidReact

∙ Coding for the fully functional Swerve Chassis.
∙ Designing and implementing three sets of shooting while moving algorithm.
Video | Code

An e-voting system based on Blockchain Technology

∙ Designing an e-voting system based on Blockchain Technology using Python Django.
Paper | Code

FRC Team 6940 Robot Code for 2021 Infinite Recharge

∙ My first time to code for a simple but efficient competition robot.
∙ Auto aiming using Limelight.
Video | Code

Hackintosh on Thinkpad X390

∙ EFI boot files using Opencore for installing Hackintosh on Thinkpad X390.
∙ Perfect support for all the drivers.

Hackintosh on Thinkpad E40

∙ EFI boot files using Clover for installing Hackintosh on Thinkpad E40.
∙ First time to install Hackintosh on laptops that only support MBR partition.