Harvard CS50 Week2 Review

7 minute read

Welcome to CS50 Week 2! As normal, I will be going through my summary of Week 1’s content.

Problem Set 2

01 Scrabble

Things to notice in the problem statement

  1. It is not case-sensitive, which means for example ‘c’ and ‘C’ carry the same point.
  2. Every letter that is not alpha carries 0 point.

Divide and Conquer

    \STATE Define a global variable array to store the points of each letter
        \STATE Prompt the user for two words
        \STATE Compute the score of each word using \CALL{ComputeWord}{}
        \STATE Print the winner
        \STATE Keep track of the score
        \STATE Compute the score for each character

Useful Snippets

  1. Compute the score of a string
     int compute_score(string word)
         // Keep track of score
         int score = 0;
         //Compute score for each character
         for (int i = 0, len = strlen(word); i < l; i++)
             if (isupper(word[i]))
                 score += POINTS[word[i] - 'A'];
             else if (islower(word[i]))
                 score += POINTS[word[i] - 'a'];
         return score;


  1. In the snippet, we can learn the style of traversing through a string in C, that’s for (int i, len = strlen(word); i < l; i++), then we can use word[i] to represent each letter in the word in the loop.

02 Readability

Before the problem

  1. To compute the reading level of a text, we will use Coleman-Liau index, whose formula is index = 0.0588 * L - 0.296 * S - 15.8, where L is the average number of lettes per 100 words, and S is the average number of sentences per 100 words in the text.
    • Notice that this formula may output “wrongly” if you only input one word, like hello, in this case, what you will get is Grade 14, since sentence is 0. However, if we add a termination signal at the end, we will get the reasonable output. This is one disadvantage of this formula.

Things to notice in the problem statement

  1. In count_letters(), we only need to count the characters that are alphabetical, so isalpha() will be useful.
  2. In count_words(), we may assume that a sentence:
    1. will contain at least one word;
    2. will not start or end with a space; and
    3. will not have multiple spaces in a row; and
    4. will not start with !, . or ?

    So, based on these assumptions, we’ll consider any sequence of characters seperated by a space to be a word.

  3. In count_sentences(), we only need to consider any sequence of characters that ends with a . or a ! or a ? to be a sentence.

Divide and Conquer

        \STATE Prompt the user for some text
        \STATE Count the number of letters, words, and sentences in the text
        \STATE Compute the Coleman-Liau index
        \STATE Print the grade level

Useful Snippets

  1. count_sentences()
     int count_sentences(string text)
         int count = 0;
         for (int i = 0, len = strlen(text); i < len; i++)
             if (isalpha(text[i]) && (text[i+1] == '!' || text[i+1] == '?' || text[i+1] == '.'))
         return count;


  1. To round a result (usually in float or double) to the nearest whole number, we can use the round() declared in math.h.

03 Caesar - Easy

Before the problem

  1. Caesar’s algorithm encrypts messages by “rotating” each letter by \(k\) positions.

Things to notice in the problem statement

  1. The program should only accept only a single command-line argument, a non-negative integer. Otherwise, the program should output Usage: ./caesar key and return form main a value of 1.
  2. The program must preserve case: capitalized letters, though rotated, must remain capitalized letters; lowercase letters, though rotated, must remain lowercase letters.

Divide and Conquer

        \STATE Make sure program was run with just one command-line argument
        \STATE Make sure every character in $argv[1]$ is a digit
        \STATE Convert $argv[1]$ from a $string$ to an $int$
        \STATE Prompt user for plaintext
        \FOR{each character in the plaintext}
            \STATE Rotate the character if it's a letter

Useful Snippets

  1. The command-line argument, int argc, string argv[] template
     int main(int argc, string argv[])
             // ...
  2. Check whehter the input is a non-negative integer or not.
     int only_digits(string s)
         int i, l;
         for (i = 0, l = strlen(s); i < l; i++)
             if (!isdigit(s[i]))
                 return 0;
         return 1;

    Notice that the method we use here is to check whether each character is a digit or not.

  3. Rotate each alphabetical letter
     char rotate(char c, int key)
         if (!isalpha(c))
             return c;
             if (isupper(c))
                 int result = ((int) (c - 'A') + key) % 26 + (int) 'A';
                 return (char) result;
                 c = toupper(c);
                 int result = ((int) (c - 'A') + key) % 26 + (int) 'a';
                 return (char) result;

    We can divide the rotate() into two parts, that is offset + base.


  1. The get_string() provided in the <cs50.h> won’t truncate the extra white space behind. For example, if you input 123 , the extra white space behind 3 will also be counted into the string. But in this problem, because of the use of string argv[], it will use white space to seperate between strings, so the extra white space won’t be counted to argv[1], and it will only contain 123\0.

03 Subtitution - Hard

Things to notice in the problem statement

  1. Every character in the key must be alphabetical, case-sensitive and appear only once, which means c and C can not appear in the key at the same time.

Dividie and Conquer

        \STATE Make sure program was run with just one command-line argument
        \STATE Make sure the $key(argv[1])$ is valid
        \STATE Convert $argv[1]$ from a $string$ to an $int$
        \STATE Prompt user for plaintext
        \FOR{each character in the plaintext}
            \STATE Find the corresponding encrypted character if it's a letter

Useful Snippets

  1. Validate the key
    1. \(O(n^2)\) method.
       int validate_key(string key)
       int i, l, j;
       for (i = 0, l = strlen(key); i < l; i++)
           if (!isalpha(key[i]))
               return 1;
           for (j = i+1; j < l; j++)
               if (toupper(key[j]) == toupper(key[i]))
                   return 1;
       return 0;
    2. \(O(n)\) method
       int validate_key(string key)
       int record[26] = {0};
       for (int i = 0, l = strlen(key); i < l; i++)
           int index = toupper(key[i]) - 'A';
           if (!isalpha(key[i]))
               return 1;
           else if (record[index] == 1)
               return 1;
               record[index] = 1;
       return 0;

      The idea here is to keep track of the appearance of each letter.

  2. Encrypt the alphabetical character
     char encrypt(char c, string key)
         int index;
         int case_indicator = 0;
         if (!isalpha(c))
             return c;
             // calculate the index and record the case_indicator
             if (isupper(c))
                 index = (int) c - 'A';
                 case_indicator = 1;
             else if (islower(c))
                 index = (int) c - 'a';
                 case_indicator = 0;
             if (case_indicator)
                 return toupper(key[index]);
                 return tolower(key[index]);


  1. In the validation part, the idea of keep tracking is important and will decrease the time compelxity tremendously.
  2. The idea of index in the letter and array problem is important also. If it is case-sensitive in the problem, we can use toupper() or tolower() to map the letter to its index.